Toju Duke

Founder Diverse AI, and Bedrock AI, Author

Recognised as one of the top women in AI, Toju is a popular speaker, author, thought leader and advisor on Responsible AI with over 19 years experience spanning across Advertising, Retail, Not-For Profit and Tech. Toju worked at Google for 10 years where she spent the last three years as a Programme Manager on Responsible AI leading various Responsible AI programmes across Google’s product and research teams with a primary focus on large-scale models and Responsible AI processes. She is the founder and CEO of Bedrock AI, an AI product and services company. Toju is also the founder of Diverse AI, a community interest, non-profit organisation aimed at supporting and championing underrepresented groups towards a diverse and inclusive AI future. Toju’s book, “Building Responsible AI Algorithms'', is available for order across bookstores worldwide, and her second book “Responsible AI in Practice”, will soon be released.