

Tuesday 1 October 2024

08:30 - 09:30

Breakfast 'N' Buzz

Welcome to the inaugural Campaign Live: Business of Creativity event. Register over coffee, croissants and conversation to find out who you're mingling with and what we have in store across the day and a half.

09:30 - 09:35

Welcome by Campaign

09:35 - 10:10

Success in Selling Creativity

Explore the key strategies for successfully selling creative ideas and solutions. This session will delve into how top marketing and creative professionals position creativity as a critical driver of business growth. Learn about effective techniques for crafting compelling value propositions, building strong client relationships, and demonstrating the tangible impact of creative work on commercial success.

10:10 - 10:30

Flash Five - What Inspires the Inspired?

Campaign Live invites three inspirational thinkers from our Power 100 list of top marketers and our A List of top agency and media owner leaders to deliver 5-minute doses of creative inspiration.

10:30 - 11:00

Creative Leaps - Is Creative Work Getting Too Safe & Boring?

Our provocative panel discussion featuring some of the industry's leading Chief Creative Officers will dive into the essence of what makes an idea truly creative, and explores the disciplined approach behind innovative advertising. Our creative experts will debate the current trend towards caution in creativity, unpacking how playing it safe can diminish impact and fail to resonate with broader audiences. Learn about the risks and rewards of daring to be different and discover why pushing boundaries is crucial for cutting through the noise and capturing consumer attention.

11:00 - 11:30

Morning Mingler

Fuel up with coffee and engage in lively conversations to spark new connections and ideas

11:35 - 11:50

A1: Fireside: Amplify Your Ads: Harnessing the Power of News Generation

Consumer Connections

Join this session to discover the latest insights on this innovative tactic to reach your target consumers from 72Point and Campaign Magazine. Learn how to utilise news generation to enhance your multi-channel marketing and advertising, achieving widespread earned national media coverage for maximum impact.

11:35 - 12:05

A2: Panel: Reclaiming the Narrative of Black Creativity in the Industry

Black Creativity

Discover groundbreaking transformations in creative optimisation, media planning, task automation and more through AI. This keynote highlights top advancements and real-world applications of AI that have revolutionised and enhanced industry practices.

11:35 - 11:50

A3: Keynote: Connecting with your audience beyond social

Insights into Action

11:50 - 12:15

B1: Sponsor Panel: Creative Cut-Through - how to reach a wider audience through gaming

Consumer Connections

Discover effective strategies for breaking through the noise and reaching broader audiences through gaming. This panel will discuss innovative tactics that enhance visibility and engagement across diverse consumer segments.

12:05 - 12:25

B2: Panel: AI in Advertising Artistry - Balancing Innovation with Tradition

AI in Adland

Explore the balance between innovation and tradition in this panel discussion on how AI can be used creatively without compromising the integrity of the creative process.

11:50 - 12:30

B3: Panel: Creative Catalysts - How Insights Fuel Creative Marketing Strategies

Insights into Action

Our panel of marketing experts discuss how deep insights act as catalysts for innovative marketing strategies. Learn how to harness data-driven creativity to enhance campaign effectiveness and engage your audience more deeply.

12:15 - 12:30

C1: Keynote: Making Social Better - Why Brands Need to Find Their Social Purpose

Consumer Connections

We are all seeking our why and purpose in the world. Social enables brands to have a more personal and purposeful relationship with their audience. As the communications landscape is changing, social is becoming the number one marketing tool and how people are discovering and connecting with brands.  But it can also be a terrifying space which reflects the light and the dark of society. Brands have an opportunity to not only change this landscape for the better but also build a stronger and more valuable relationship with their audience. In this session we will unpack this narrative to show you how.  

12:30 - 12:50

D1: Fireside: Know Thy Audience - The Business Impact of Making Incorrect Assumptions

Consumer Connections

Explore the significant impacts of misjudging your audience. This session delves into MOJU’s practical case study, highlighting the crucial importance of understanding your audience and the profound effects this understanding has had on their business growth and success.

12:30 - 12:50

D2: Keynote: Navigating the AI conundrum

AI in Adland

From ChatGPT, to Midjourney, to Runway AI, to Stability AI and so on, the wheels of AI innovation, creativity and opportunities have been spinning at a very rapid pace. While AI has great potential to not only solve the world’s top problems but also address business, marketing and advertising needs; it’s ridden with challenges, harms and limitations that cannot be ignored. In this session, we’ll look at AI's pros and cons and how to navigate its issues using a Responsible AI framework.

12:30 - 12:50

D3: KEYNOTE: Celebs, influencers, content creators: how can social insight lead to effective brand building?

Insights into Action

12:50 - 14:25

Eat 'N' Meet

Fuel up and expand your network over lunch. Stay tuned for additional activities that promise to enrich your experience and connect you with industry peers

12:50 - 14:25

Lunch and Learn 1: Brixton Finishing School

Discover ADventure - The Industry's largest Educational Outreach Programme for 14-19 year olds. Join our Lunch and Learn on how to turn your inclusion ambitions into action. Industry and education partners and alumni share practical advice about how to support under-represented talent to find work opportunities in the creative industries. Featuring Kianna Joseph (Alumni), Jamie Mason (Clear Channel & ADventurer), An Educator from the Big Creative Education and Jo Royce, Head of ADventure at Brixton Finishing School.

12:50 - 14:25

Lunch and Learn 2: Join Our Table

Join Our Table is a vibrant community of Black women in the UK advertising, media, marketing and communications industries. Come “join our table” for lunch to discuss what solidarity, community and celebration mean to Black women in our industry. All are very welcome!

14:30 - 14:50

E1: Fireside: How Monzo has used creativity to change the Banking industry

Consumer Connections

14:30 - 14:50

E2: Sponsor Keynote: Optimise Your Targeting with AI

AI in Adland

Enhance your marketing efficiency with AI-powered targeting and planning. This keynote will provide insights into the tools and techniques for harnessing AI to refine your marketing strategies and achieve superior results.

14:30 - 14:50

E3: Keynote: Leading Change - Charting a Sustainable Future in Advertising

Sustainability as Strategy

Seb Munden sets the stage for a sustainable future in advertising, outlining the Ad Net Zero initiative's vision and impact. Understand the pivotal roles of industry leaders in driving environmental change through innovative advertising strategies.

14:50 - 15:15

F1: Panel: The Future of News – Consumer Connection in Action

Consumer Connections

A free press and news industry is essential to safeguard successful democracies and futures – and represents a unique and complementary platform for brands to drive business results and to connect with consumers across the Premium Web. Join us for a conversation discussing the path forward and opportunities ahead for brands, journalists and news junkies. During the session we will also preview results from Stagwell’s proprietary News Advertising Study methodology, introducing the findings from their UK focussed study. 

14:50 - 15:15

F2: Fireside: AI Success Story

AI in Adland

Dive into a detailed case study that exemplifies successful AI integration in marketing. Learn about the strategies, outcomes, and lessons learned from leveraging AI to drive marketing effectiveness.

14:50 - 15:25

F3: Panel: Profit with Purpose - Leveraging Sustainability for Better Business

Sustainability as Strategy

Explore how sustainability not only benefits the planet but also boosts business results. This discussion will unpack successful campaigns that have improved engagement and profitability through eco-conscious strategies.

15:15 - 15:30

G1: Keynote: Outvertising’s Consumer Report - Uncovering What Drives LGBTQIA+ Brand Preferences

Consumer Connections

Dive into the latest findings from Outvertising’s Consumer Report to understand the unique brand preferences within the LGBTQIA+ community. This keynote will highlight actionable insights for brands aiming to engage authentically with LGBTQIA+ consumers and the business impact leading from those connections.

15:15 - 15:30

G2: Case Study: Rethinking Our Whole Strategy For A Record-Breaking Year

Strategy Change

15:30 - 16:00

Refresh 'N' Reconnect

Recharge your afternoon with a a final dose of caffeine and meaningful conversations

16:00 - 16:25

Fireside Chat: Creative Cross Talk - CFO Meets CMO

This dynamic conversation explores the CFO's perspective on the role of creativity in business, navigating leadership through political uncertainty, and the mutual support needed between the CFO and CMO to drive success. Gain unique insights into how financial and marketing strategies intertwine to foster innovation and stability in challenging times.

16:25 - 16:30

Closing Remarks by Campaign